“The Manhattan Choral Ensemble sang with flexibility and fresh sound…” – The New York Times
“Self-Starter” – Chamber Music America Magazine
“This adventuresome choir makes a joyful noise” – Time Out New York
“The excellent Manhattan Choral Ensemble delivered its soulful neo-Renaissance motets with lovely tone and balance.” – Opera News
An “ambitious young choir” – Time Out New York
“…cutting-edge classical music” – The Wall Street Journal
Manhattan Choral Ensemble Wins Adventurous Programming Award
Chorus America, one the country’s leading choral associations, named the Manhattan Choral Ensemble among three winners of its 2016 Chorus America/ASCAP Adventurous Programming Award.
“These individuals and organizations are leaders in excellence and innovation, and set an example for the entire choral field,” said Catherine Dehoney, president and CEO of Chorus America. “We are thrilled to recognize their success.”
The award was presented at Chorus America’s June 2016 Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio.